Text message archiving has been a practice in industries where compliance laws necessitate records retention. Yet, because of the ever-changing technological landscape, an archived text messages solution that had once been effective in archiving can suddenly prove insufficient as new laws are passed.
An excellent archiving solution benefits entities who want to ensure the secure storage of crucial data. Below are five features you should look for before choosing an archiving solution:
eDiscovery Performance
Text messaging can make eDiscovery challenging. This is because, unlike emails, texts are not easily discoverable and more difficult to recover.
Thus, a good archiving solution must help users search for specific data whenever needed. It should also have extensive eDiscovery functionality to return the results you require. Look for a platform that enables users to conduct searches using granular pre-defined filters like sender, recipient, date, and subject line.
Data Security
To guarantee that malicious threat actors cannot compromise any sensitive information that may be held in text records, archive text messages should be completely encrypted.
Strong security measures should also be in place to control who can access the archive. To open the archive, look for a solution with granular permissions management.
Archive scalability refers to a system’s capacity to handle increasing volumes of data and the ability to sustain that growth. When your organization needs change, a flexible and scalable archive enables you to quickly adapt. A long-term benefit of scalability is that your business and archive can expand over time, making it more affordable than replacing an entire system with a new one.
Compliant with Relevant Laws
Compliance is a typical use case for archiving. Always seek legal advice and determine which specific laws are applicable. Afterwards, look for an archiving platform that can guarantee compliance. Archived texts also ought to be entirely unchangeable. Data that has been archived should not be edited or tampered – this is a critical requirement in many legal regulations.
Archive text messages with LeapXpert! Our platform can ensure your company consistently complies with government regulations, allowing you to practice secure communication with entities. Contact us today!